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Another Casanova adventure with two attractive girls

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Embark on a seductive journey with "Casanova - Casting," the final installment in the acclaimed Casanova game series, boasting a user base of over 5 million players globally. The app plunges you into the role of the legendary Casanova, where you are presented with the opportunity to photograph two enticing models. With the freedom of choice at your fingertips, select the model you'd prefer to work with and experience an unforgettable night.

The game offers two engaging modes to suit your playstyle. Story Mode allows for immersive interaction, providing multiple opportunities to converse and charm your chosen companion. On the other hand, Arcade Mode presents a rhythm-based challenge that tests your reflexes and timing. Regardless of your choice, the core question remains: do you possess the charm and skill to live up to the Casanova namesake?

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Highlighting this app's strengths, such as its user-friendly interface, eye-catching graphics, and compelling gameplay mechanics, it promises an enticing and entertaining experience. Whether you're a veteran of the series or a newcomer yearning for captivating escapades, "Casanova - Casting" is designed to engage and fascinate.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by (주) 웨이트포유.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 1.6 or higher required

Information about Casting 1.4

Package Name com.witchcraftstudios.cas.ccktwa
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Casual
Language English
7 more
Author (주) 웨이트포유
Downloads 6,996
Date Jan 30, 2016
Content Rating +16
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